Currently, over 110,000 American Legion Riders meet in over 2,000 chapters in every domestic department and in at least three foreign countries. American Legion Riders Chapter 101 of Woburn, MA is a group of American Patriots who ride in honor and support of our Veterans. We are a non-profit 501 (c) 19 organization who’s main focus is raising funds and assisting with Veteran’ causes. We organize fund raising rides and participate in fundraising efforts of “like minded” organizations. American Legion Riders Chapter 101 supports the Constitution of the United States of America, and defends America’s freedoms.
ALR Chapter 101 is dedicated to supporting America’s Veterans. In addition to our fund-raising rides, we serve the needs of the local veterans and their families. Other ways we serve include:
- Placing Flags at Calvery and Woodbrook Cemeteries for Memorial Day. The Legion Riders, Woburn Veterans agent, and volunteers placed approximately 3,000 flags in both cemeteries.
- Helping pack food with the Bread of Life
- Flag pole dedications
These are just a few of the ways we are honored to be able to help our heroes.
Join Us! We are always looking for new members to assist us in furthering our cause. Please feel free to “Contact Us” for any further information. You are welcome to come to our monthly meetings to see what we are all about. Our meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at George A. Campbell Post 101, 194 Lexington Street, Woburn Ma. 01801. You can also check out our “Becoming a Member” page for more information.